Love, Jason

Author: Doug Anderson


Most Christians will eventually experience a crisis of faith, perhaps following the death of someone we love. Fewer of us can relate to standing by as our own child journeys to heaven sooner than we would choose.

Doug and Sherrie Anderson had faith in God before their son Jason battled a terminal illness. In their touching memoir, they reveal ways Jason kept pointing them to the steadfast goodness of God in the unlikeliest of times. This heartwarming, God-affirming revelation first touched Doug and Sherrie, then went out in ripples to Jason’s brothers, doctors, teachers, and beyond. As we read Jason’s story, we get to glimpse it ourselves. 

Like the Andersons, we may grieve; we may hold a multitude of unanswered questions. But one boy—one freckled and faithful boy—extends his gift of tenacious faith to us, with love.