He Leadeth Me

Into the Uncharted Territories of Personal Faith   God has given each one of us a calling, and Jesus and the Word are essential to living...


A Story of Human Aphasia and Divine Grace - - - The ability to express and understand written and spoken language is impaired in individuals...

A Luminous Encounter

The Life and Teachings of a Remarkable Man of God - - - You are invited into a constant, powerful, intimate relationship with God. A...

Chariots of the Fallen

A Biblically Founded and Scientifically Supported Creationist’s Survival Guide - - - When Scripture is combined with recent scientific...

Settled Dust

Musings on Race, History, Love, and Faith   The story of Settled Dust takes root in the events of the last two hundred years, from the...

Marv Taking Charge

A Story of Bold Love and Courage Lois Roelofs always knew that Marv, her husband of fifty-five years, had strong convictions. So when he was...

Clarifying Christianity

A 12-Week Study for Confused Churchgoers Why should we trust the Bible? Why would a good God allow pain and suffering? How can Hell be just?...


Empowered by the Light of the Gospel - - - Most men today are disempowered. Lost and groping in the dark, they are driven by fear and...