With God, Nothing Is Impossible: Walking in the Way

ISBN: 9781632696038

Author: Elaine A. Phillips


Expanded edition with study questions.

There is an abiding theme woven through the stories of the women in the Bible—without fail, God does the “impossible.” Mary’s simple declaration that she would be the Lord’s servant; the struggles of Sarah and Rebekah to keep their families together; the covenant bond between Ruth and Naomi; Esther’s courage to protect her people—all return to that same theme.

In With God, Nothing is Impossible, Elaine Phillips explores life-transforming truths that deepen our faith in the God these women knew and trusted. Our life stories can seem equally challenging, but God is in the business of recasting them, displaying along the way his immeasurable love, power, and faithfulness.


Author Bio

Elaine A. Phillips, PhD, is a retired Harold John Ockenga distinguished professor of biblical studies at Gordon College in Boston, Massachusetts, and adjunct professor for Jerusalem University College in Israel. She has authored “Esther” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Zondervan, 2010), An Introduction to Reading Biblical Wisdom Texts (Hendrickson, 2017), and Obadiah, Jonah, Micah in the Apollos Old Testament Commentary (IVP Academic, 2022).

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