Chariots of the Fallen

A Biblically Founded and Scientifically Supported Creationist’s Survival Guide - - - When Scripture is combined with recent scientific discoveries, the true history of the world opens up to us....

Settled Dust

Musings on Race, History, Love, and Faith   The story of Settled Dust takes root in the events of the last two hundred years, from the abolishment of the importation of slaves to the New World to...

Clarifying Christianity

A 12-Week Study for Confused Churchgoers Why should we trust the Bible? Why would a good God allow pain and suffering? How can Hell be just? These questions and more have been largely ignored by churches...


Empowered by the Light of the Gospel - - - Most men today are disempowered. Lost and groping in the dark, they are driven by fear and insecurity. Isolation and loneliness have defined us as a...

Rethinking Rest

Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working Today’s concept of biblical rest… isn’t working. Our numerous discussions about “which day” and “how” the seventh-day sabbath should be observed have...

Searching for God in Christianity

  Searching for God in Christianity helps Christian and secular culture alike understand the true heart and message of both Jesus Christ and His followers. It seeks a “reformation” within our...

Amazon Culture

Exploring the Jungle of Narcissism Many of the best lessons in life spring forth out of the clutches of defeat and despair. What defines a person is not the significance of their suffering, or the depth of...

The Casualty of Contempt

The Alarming Rise of Antisemitism and What Can Be Done to Stop It “This book serves as a manifesto to counter the tragic resurgence of anti-Semitism in our time.” –Bruce Pearl, Auburn University head...

Crazy Church Ladies

The Priceless Story of an Unlikely Group Winning the War Against Trafficking What happens when ordinary churchgoing women heed the radical call of an extraordinary God? The sex trafficking trade is an...