The Cloud

ISBN: 9781632695642

Author: Mary Clark Dalton


A Novel

Can prayer really change the outcome of a situation? Are good and evil constantly battling for the minds and souls of everyone? Does God put signs and wonders in the sky? Does he speak to us when we listen? Is destiny set, or can it be changed if we storm heaven’s door? One youth pastor and a small youth group are about to find out if they are up to the challenge, as they cast their eyes heavenward and see what they believe is a sign from God.


Everyone has a story, and everyone has a purpose. This group of people is no exception; over the course of just one day, they all find themselves with the opportunity to reach out to God, and the chance to make a difference. But for Kevin, a boy on a path of uncertainty, fear, and hopelessness, it may not be enough. Faced with the possibility of tragedy, the people around him are about to discover if the power of prayer and action is enough to save someone on a dangerous path.


As well as a story about prayer, redemption, and forgiveness, The Cloud is a challenge to youth to open their eyes and hearts to God, and a powerful lesson about the positive difference that can be made upon doing so.


Author Bio

Mary Clark Dalton has worked with children for over forty years. She and her husband Keith have two grown children, Brent and Amanda, along with four awesome grandsons. She has an affinity for high-risk children and longs to reach them before they make serious decisions that can destroy their lives and the lives of others. Dalton has fourteen published books, and has received the Mom’s Choice Award for her Rainbow’s Promise series. An avid reader herself, she understands what it takes to hold a reader’s attention. Her desire is to write books that are exciting while teaching valuable lessons at the same time.

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