Crazy Church Ladies

Author: Gwen Adams
Description:The Priceless Story of an Unlikely Group Winning the War Against Trafficking
What happens when ordinary churchgoing women heed the radical call of an extraordinary God?
The sex trafficking trade is an ugly, messy, and complicated crisis in desperate need of intervention, but it is easier to stay out of it and pray from a safe distance.
However, the church is not called to be safe. In Crazy Church Ladies, Gwen Adams recounts how she and her group of church ladies became crime-fighting machines to upend the world of trafficking in their city.
Their program, Priceless, has become a multifaceted wrecking ball to the crime of human trafficking in their home state of Alaska. But they still focus on the simple truth that as they invest wholeheartedly in the few, they will reach the masses with the hope of the gospel message.
Crazy Church Ladies lays out a blueprint for the church to be the church. In a world with so much conversation about the church and social justice, this story shows how the church can live into its primary calling, to make disciples and impact the surrounding culture in ways that no government, law enforcement, or community activism can.
Get to know the real Crazy Church Ladies and eventually, the men, too, as they encounter victims of trafficking and the worst abuse you could ever imagine. In the most unlikely place, among people with nothing in common, life-changing friendship emerges. The stories will break hearts, but unbroken hearts rarely change the world. In the end, the reader will see the astounding beauty that can only emerge from the darkest of places.
What happens when ordinary churchgoing women heed the radical call of an extraordinary God? It breaks their hearts and brings true hope and healing to the world around them.
Author Bio:
Gwen Adams is the founder and executive director of Priceless. With a 23-year background in church service, 15 years as a pastor on staff, and a degree in theology, she was an unlikely candidate to start a non-profit to serve survivors of trafficking. Since she started Priceless in 2012, she has walked with several other groups and churches to start something similar in their own communities. Gwen has spoken at hundreds of gatherings in Alaska and across the country. Priceless won the national FBI Directors Award for Community Leadership. The Priceless team has informed local and national legislation, walked with over 160 survivors, opened a safe house, and trained over 500 mentors from well over 50 churches. Gwen Adams has been called The State’s Most Leading Authority on the Crimes of Sex Trafficking and resides in Anchorage, Alaska.
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