Crowns of Courage

ISBN: 978-1935265825

Author: Karen Kleinberg


Seth’s heart pounds and stiffens with fear. The hum and clatter of threatening weapons fill his ears. Snatched from his family, he finds himself suddenly whisked into the future where he is surrounded by magnificent angels preparing for battle. Michael, his guide and companion, stands alert waiting to clash with the demons of darkness who have been sent to confound the minds of man.

A two-part story, Crowns of Courage involves King Ahab and Elijah as each challenges their god for rain. In it, Elijah exhibits the true courage that comes only from God. The story continues with King Ahab, the ruler of Israel, and King Jehoshaphat, the ruler of Judah. This unlikely partnership leads to war against a common enemy where both kings experience consequences for their compromise–at a cost neither anticipated. Seth, the young traveler, learns that courage comes from knowing God and trusting his power for your circumstances. The results are up to him.

Engage in electrifying battles in this Bible fantasy where Seth must confront his own fears, while observing the dangerous choices made by others. He’s an unlikely hero, witnessing astonishing events, which proves that the imagined power of man cannot even compare to the actual power of God! Victories can be won in the spirit, but are made real by the choices of a man’s heart.