FAITH Not Fear: When It’s God’s Plan, You Win

Author: Christine Keller
Description:Throughout her motherhood journey, Christine Keller experienced numerous tragedies that could have understandably triggered an abandoning of her faith. But that is not what happened. Quite the opposite in fact. Working through the tragedies fueled her faith and propelled her toward a deeply personal relationship with Jesus. Christine was reminded time and again that when God is in control there is no need to fear but all the reasons for faith.
FAITH Not Fear is a tale of overcoming great fear and learning to walk in abiding faith and peace. Christine reveals the horrors of her plunges into the dark pits of terror, rage, and desperation, but she also describes mountaintops marked by joyful singing and dancing. The struggle is real but so is the hope. This is not a book about blind faith or quick fixes—it is a book about God’s faithfulness.
Written to reassure Christians living in this scary time, FAITH Not Fear encourages reaching out to Jesus through both the good times and the hard times. Readers will laugh and cry as they see how God is truly working all things together.
Author Bio:
Christine Keller believes that true empathy comes from common life experiences. She has a gift for bonding with others through points of commonality. As a social worker, she uses that gift in her daily work. As a Christian, she uses that gift to share the love and hope of Jesus with those in her life. She grew up as part of a strongly musical extended family and continues to perform with her remaining family members. Music and dance have always been an active part of her life and it feeds her soul. Christine has an MA in social work and lives with her family in Indiana, where she works with veterans as an employee of the VA.
“When real-life drama invades the lives of those near us, we marvel at the way adversity can lead to courageous faith. Such is the case in this captivating book that takes you on a wild ride through amusing, heartwarming and tragic family adventures that God used to bring “flannelgraph Jesus” fully alive in a young mom’s heart and empowered her to trust His plans when her own plans shattered. The wounds were deep, but the Lord’s redeeming grace was deeper still, and His Spirit awakened a buoyant spirit within her that inspires and encourages other. May God’s story, woven through this story, inspire you to embrace Him with wide open arms and trust His plan for your life in fearless faith.”
—Mary Kay Esswein MSN, PNP at CSULB and MA Soul Care at Biola University
“I have known this writer for many years, and over the last 33 years of our marriage, she is my best friend and buddy. She has been trying to write this story for a long time during her busy life (raising a family , working full time), and finally the Lord said, “Now is the time!” She did not write this story just for people to read another book, but only to praise her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Read it, and you will feel it!”
—Bob Keller
“Faith, Not Fear is a candid and compelling story on one woman’s walk with God through challenging circumstances year after year. Frequently feeling overwhelmed by life, the author places her trust in God’s constant love and emerges victorious. It all begins with an unwanted pregnancy with the author the baby to be aborted! Thanks to the intervention of a grandmother, the child is rescued by a young Finnish couple and the miracles continue during the years to come. The tender heart of the author brings the reader directly into the presence of the Lord. This is a story for all who have faith in God and yet face difficult times. Enjoy!”
—Ray Halm, Ed.D., D.D. Senior Director – CUEnet President Emeritus, Concordia University – Irvine
Retail Price: $15.99