Last Adam

ISBN: 9781632695802

Author: Sage C. McCullough


Stories of Love’s Redemptive Power

Crises can challenge our faith and our trust in God. Last Adam is the love story our troubled times desperately need. It reveals God’s eternal plan to love and protect His children from pain. That plan carries throughout the Bible, and it is still at work in today’s world. These beautifully retold Bible stories clearly illustrate this plan and the heart of God toward his children. Relevant scriptural passages are included within the stories, inspiring biblical meditation.

A pilgrimage through the stories of the Bible, Last Adam illuminates God’s breath, plan, and love for His children, creating one sovereign thread to answer the cries of “why?”

Why me?

Why this pain?

Why this loneliness?

Why isn’t God helping me?

Why is God allowing this?

Why don’t I feel God’s love?

The stories from thousands of years ago will answer the cries of hearts today. Beautifully written; with brilliant imagery, it masterfully interprets the theological truths of God’s providence.

Author Bio

Sage C. McCullough is an author, playwright, director, and blogger. A lifelong disciple of the Bible, she feels honored to use her talents as an instrument of worship for the Lord by writing this book. Her prayer is that this book breathes God’s love into each reader’s heart. Known in Washington, DC, as a comedic playwright, director, and blogger, many know her better as, “Sage Costanzo, the Yoda of wives” or “Mom, the Wonder Woman of moms,” “Aunt Sage, the James Bond of aunts”—currently, Sage is retaining seventeen such titles. To learn more about McCullough’s work, please visit



For over four years, I’ve observed Sage demonstrate her love for God and others as her pastor. Sage has a passion to communicate God’s Word and His love with others. It’s also clear that God has blessed her with a gift to convey stories through different mediums and with clarity. As your travel through familiar passages from the Bible, Sage will awaken your senses and help you see events from different angles. You will be blessed and your hunger for the Bible will only increase with every page turned. Enjoy the journey!

—Todd Peters, pastor and retired Navy SEAL


Sage Costanzo is a godly woman who loves the Lord passionately.  Her heart will come through in this book and I fully expect readers to be blessed by what they read.

—Rev. Dale Sutherland, president of USA ministries for International Care Ministries.


Stories hold a unique power to transform our lives. Sage McCullough has given her life to telling stories on the stage, and she brings her unique perspective and experience as a storyteller to Last Adam. Sage’s book will help you experience these biblical stories in fresh and unexpected ways!”

—Kevin Cloud, author of God and Hamilton: Spiritual Themes From the Life of Alexander Hamilton & the Broadway Musical He Inspired.


Sage McCullough’s use of spirited imagination to see these ancient stories in fresh ways is a delight. As I read them, I was reminded of the creativity of William Young’s The Shack, St. Ignatius’ approach to encountering scripture, and the theologians of the early church making surprising connections in the biblical story of God’s work of healing and redemption.  While not all readers will always agree on her interpretations in her story-telling, the book is an engaging, thoughtful, faithful, and delightful trip.

—Dr. David M. Hindman, campus minister and pastor at The College of William and Mary, and former pastor at Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church on the campus of Randolph-Macon College.


There are a few books in my library that I read again and again…they are Hammer of God, God’s Smuggler, Born Again, and George Whitefield’s biography by Dallimore. Last Adam will be one of those books, that help me see God’s grace in a different way, and that I want to continually revisit…it is the “grown up” version of the Jesus Storybook Bible…because of how it shows the gospel and the love of God in every story.

—Chris Gray, church group leader and former men’s ministry coordinator.


As I read this book, it was like I was meeting someone I had known my whole life for the first time again. Stories from the scriptures that I knew; since my childhood, I saw them again through a different set of eyes.  The change of angle illuminated so many nuances of the stories, and brought such fresh perspectives. Last Adam felt like an insider’s view of a story that I had known from a distance. There were so many things that spoke to me, and as I finished one chapter I wanted to jump into the next. Readers are going to love Last Adam!

—Wesley Johnson, lead pastor at First Assembly of God.


McCullough offers a fresh telling of some of our oldest stories in these poignant vignettes. Vivid imagery interwoven with the original source text, exquisitely rendered.

—Kenneth Corbin, independent journalist and editor


“Last Adam is a unique manuscript…beautifully written, with evocative imagery and theological depth. The material is insightful and will help readers consider familiar stories in a new way.

—Writer’s Edge

Media Kit

Retail Price: $15.99