Purify My Heart

ISBN: 9781632695291

Author: Isabelle Joye


A Dialogue with Jesus

In her own devotional prayer journal, Isabelle Joye records not only Scripture and her prayers to the Lord, but also what she senses Jesus is saying to her in response. The result is a beautiful dialogue, as she allows the words of the Lord, rooted in the Word, to minister to the deepest recesses of her heart, soul, and mind, and purify her to become increasingly holy before him. 

Isabelle Joye shares examples of her personal dialogue with Jesus to inspire her readers to establish their own dynamic and interactive relationship with the Lord. At the end of each chapter readers will discover questions and lined pages where they can journal their personal response.  

Author Bio:

Isabelle Joye grew up in a jubilant and high-spirited farming family of nine children. The home was filled with laughter and copious noise. Early life was one of enchanting memories of happy and joyous times together but also countless memories of hospitalizations. She currently ministers in her local church and previously managed a home-based business in childcare. Many years ago, she earned a diploma from a Bible teachers’ course. Isabelle is widowed with three adult children and resides in Perth, Australia.


As you read through the intimate journey of a sweet soul—Isabelle Joye, who is in pursuit of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ—you get the distinct feeling that you are eavesdropping on a very personal conversation between the awesome creator of heaven and earth and his child Isabelle, who is totally captivated by her Heavenly Father and is hanging off every word that he says. As you travel with her on this adventure you are going to be challenged to have the same intimate relationship that she has with Jesus, and at the same time pick up some keys and insight to building that relationship that will prepare you for his return. Isabelle has released these private moments with God in obedience to his request, and I believe you will be greatly blessed as you read the pages of this book. People can give you things, but nobody can give you an encounter with God; nobody can give you a history or story with God. Isabelle has shared hers!”

Apostle Steven Davis, Perth, Western Australia

Founder of Dream Life Church; author of In Pursuit of the Call and Your Dream Is in the House


Isabelle has, in this book, helped us to understand what a dynamic “quiet time” really looks like. Although written in a simple and easy-to-read manner, the conversation is both intense and penetrating. There seems to be no religious façade in this, as Isabelle describes her struggles and victories.

I believe this will turn out to be a helpful tool in the hands of Christ-followers who desire to inject passion into their prayer life and walk with the Lord. This book is practical, and the experience shared, relatable. I highly recommend it to all believers.

Dr. Joseph Obisesan

Pastor, HillCity Church

Western Australia


Retail Price: $14.99