The Circle of Seven

ISBN: 9781632694829

Author: Rev. Mark William Ennis


When His Servants are Weak

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When a traumatized minister has nothing left to give and is on the brink of despair, how can he find the strength to go on? Who is going to minister to his wounded and broken spirit?

Along the path to hope and healing, Reverend William de Plore learns that true ministry is universally challenging, pastoral care is intense, and no one is immune to human limitations. Can restoration be found in a circle of seven ministers?

The Circle of Seven: When His Servants are Weak is book for ministers who have been wounded by the giving of intense pastoral care. It is also for Christians who care for ministers and wish to help and support them. Ennis takes the reader out of the clean sanctuaries and into the dirty streets where pastoral care can be messy, bloody, and traumatizing. Readers are shown the genuine struggles of ministers as they seek to be Jesus to those who have been victims of the evils of a fallen world.

The stories presented here are real. They are not clean and pretty, but they are filled with faithful people in difficult circumstances finding their wounds healed by God’s grace. While specific details have been necessarily fictionalized, the reality of the traumatizing wounding and the restorative healing is entirely factual and based upon actual events.


Media Kit


Author Bio

After 33 years of pastoral ministry, six years as a volunteer hospital chaplain, five years as a disaster chaplain, including a deployment for the opening of the National 9/11 museum in New York City, and two years as a crisis counselor, Rev. Mark William Ennis has acquired a lot of stories born out of tragedy. He is a proud native of North Jersey and has been a Reformed Church in America pastor for 33 years. He is also married to a minister, is the father of a minister, and is the son-in-law of a minister. When he is not indulging in ministerial activities, he can be found writing books or reading them. Ennis is the father of two grown daughters and four grand-cats.

Retail Price: $13.99