The Physical Death and Resurrection: A Surgeon’s View

ISBN: 9781940269146

Author: Jose J. Norberto


Award-winning cardiothoracic surgeon Jose J. Norberto invites you on a fascinating journey of discovery as he examines the physical characteristics of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth—the man revered by millions as the Son of God. In The Physical Death and Resurrection, Dr. Norberto combines history with modern science to offer a unique perspective on the humanity of Jesus Christ.

In the first century, crucifixion was the chosen method of execution, meant to intimidate enemies of the Roman Empire. The cross, a brutal instrument of torture, has become the chosen symbol for Jesus’ followers. As we better understand Jesus’ physical suffering, profound value is added to His sacrifice. His death and resurrection take on deeper significance as the pivotal events on which the entire religious movement of Christianity is founded.

This book helps bridge the gap between the religious significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and the science that can help make these events more real. Dr. Norberto’s career as a cardiothoracic surgeon allows him to touch human hearts physically. In sharing the results of his investigation, he hopes God will use him to touch each reader’s heart and soul with a greater appreciation of our Savior.

Also available in a Spanish edition.

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