True Happiness: Living the 8 Beatitudes

True Happiness: Living the 8 Beatitudes cover
ISBN: 9781940269153

Author: Alan Robertson


How can we find true happiness?

For over thirty years, Dr. Alan Robertson has counseled those exploring this simple question that is common to all of us. Dr. Robertson has identified a mystery: the more people pursue happiness, the more elusive happiness becomes. Linked to this is another profound discovery: if a person finds something meaningful in life, and begins to be passionate about it, happiness comes as a by-product.

Jesus recognizes the hunger of the human heart for happiness. In fact, he prescribed the solution! The answer lies in understanding and applying the eight beatitudes spoken by Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount, as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. Each beatitude begins with the word blessed which means “very, very happy.” While most of us have heard of the eight beatitudes, few of us fully understand their value—let alone apply them to our lives.

As Dr. Robertson studied the beatitudes, they impacted his life so powerfully that he knew he must share this transformational truth with others.

True Happiness: Living the 8 Beatitudes contains the dynamic results of his study and teaching. Each chapter provides an in-depth exposition of one of the beatitudes, practical exercises, questions for further Bible study, and a suggested prayer. If you’re ready to try living the beatitudes yourself, this book will be a practical and life-changing study. You may be surprised to find . . . True Happiness.

Author Bio

As a Christian minister and clinical psychologist, Dr. Alan C. Robertson has spent over thirty years teaching, preaching, and counseling. He obtained his doctorate in the field of spirituality and depression. Alan experienced depression in his twenties, but found healing through a committed relationship with Jesus Christ. Today he is dedicated to helping those who suffer with depression, and he believes one of the keys to overcoming depression and finding happiness lies in discovering a cause one is passionate about. Alan practices in South Africa, where he lives with his wife, Denise, a primary school teacher. They’ve been blessed with four children and one granddaughter. Alan is also the author of Ten Guidelines for a Meaningful Life.

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