Who Do You Say I Am?

Author: Joshua A. McClure


Deep River Books 2012 Writer’s Contest Certificate of Merit Award Winner

Award-winning author Joshua McClure confronts us with the question Jesus posed to his disciples: “Who do you say I am?” Do we simply give the old standby answer, “God is a mystery”? Or is it possible to attain real understanding of the awesome God to whom we pledge our lives and futures?

Following after God is more than going through the motions of church life. In Who Do You Say I AM? McClure inspires us to bring back spiritual power to our lives and see God as he is, by recapturing the sense of his everlasting divine presence. McClure’s flair for honest, down-to-earth biblical study can blaze a trail through your doubts, fears, and assumed familiarity with God. In it, you will hear the question as never before: Now, who do you say that I am? 

“A passionate call for Christians to commit more deeply to the Messiah they proclaim every week in church.” — Kirkus Review