Why Isn’t Christianity Working for Me?: Living a Life Based On Your Worth…Not Your Works

ISBN: 9781937756406

Author: Robbie Bubnick


Ever feel as if Christianity “works” for others but not for you? Do you long to enjoy intimacy with God the Father, to walk with Him in the cool of the day as Adam did in the Garden of Eden? In Why Isn’t Christianity Working For Me? author Robbie Bubnick explores issues that prevent true intimacy with God. Bubnick knows first-hand that hidden feelings of unworthiness hinder our sense of God’s presence and approval. Many Christians are disillusioned by a faulty concept of an angry God who can’t see beyond our past mistakes. Additionally, our human limitations make it hard to reconcile a bad world with a good God. Bubnick shares how to experience God’s love and infinite goodness, in tangible ways, in the here and now. God longs to be present and active in your life—starting right now.