You Will Surely Not Die 2

ISBN: 9781632695185

Author: Beth Woods


Adam and Eve Journey to Missouri

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What if Adam and Eve had not been condemned to die after eating the forbidden fruit? 

What if it was only their descendants who were cursed, while the original sinners retained their immortality?

What if they were alive to see how the consequences of their selfishness impacted dozens of generations up until today?

These questions form the premise of You Will Surely Not Die, a charming speculative novel series for teens.

Adam and Eve are still alive in our present time. They have lived through all of human history. How will this knowledge and experience influence the adventures in which they become entangled?

In this second volume of the series, Adam and Eve meet Michael while scuba-diving in the Red Sea. When they join Michael at his home in Missouri, they’re introduced to his son, Jordan, a teenager living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The ensuing modern-day adventure places God’s protection, constant provision, and unending patience on display.


Author Bio

Beth Woods, MS Ed, is a scuba-diving, Bible-believing wife and mother of two from Virginia who loves writing and traveling. She recently retired after thirty years as a public school teacher.

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