Growing Down

ISBN: 978-1937756963

Author: Sarah Wetzel


As a lifelong Christian, Sarah Wetzel tried everything she knew to grow holier and happier. But as a young mom, laboring alongside her missionary husband high in the Andes Mountains, she came to the painful realization that her spiritual “fruit basket” was still empty and her faith was dying on the vine.

Why am I entertaining sinful thoughts? she wondered.

Where are the souls won for Christ? Where is the peace, love, and joy? 

Sarah railed against God and tried to become an agnostic. But at critical times, God seemed to deposit precisely the right book into Sarah’s hands. She gleaned wisdom from Scripture and from the timeless biographies of heroes and heroines of the faith, including Keith Green, Isobel Kuhn, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Catherine Marshall, and came to understand God’s upside-down-and-backward plan for her spiritual growth:

“He wants me to see the truth about myself, not to depress me, only to show me the truth about Jesus. The longer I live, the more of my sin I see, and the greater is my love and appreciation for Jesus. Little by little, I am growing down.” –Sarah Wetzel

In Growing Down, you’ll travel across three continents and span the dog-eared pages of Sarah’s beloved books, to discover that it is only when we adopt a continuous posture of repentance that we experience the heart-changing sweetness of Jesus’ compassion and the transformative power of his grace.