Kidnapped in Budapest

Author: Andy Dietz


On a warm summer night in 1998, American missionary Andy Dietz strolled along the Danube River toward the open market. Tricked into entering what he thought was a restaurant, Andy unwittingly became part of an elaborate plot of extortion and blackmail orchestrated by the Hungarian mafia.

Here, Andy recounts the harrowing events that would change his life and his view of God forever. Nabbed by men in trench coats, thrown into a taxi, and whisked around to the darkest corners of Budapest, Andy sensed his chances for survival slipping away. In his most helpless and desperate hour of need, Andy faced the question we all must answer sooner or later: What am I most desperate for?

This true, life-or-death account will provoke readers to ask themselves, Am I as desperate to know God as I am to live? Christians will consider whether they are living a life that’s defined by daily circumstances, or daring to live in light of the power and purposes of God.

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