More Christian Than African-American

ISBN: 978-1933204840

Author: Kimberly Cash Tate


For almost thirty years, Kimberly Cash Tate lived, moved and had her being in blackness. That was who she was. Her decisions, judgments, attitudes and opinions—the way she saw the world—were all filtered through her black lens. Even gender issues paled in relative importance. She was black first. A woman second. But then she acquired another defining adjective—Christian—and her world was turned completely upside down.

In More Christian than African-American, Kimberly shares her life before and after Christ. In transparent prose, she leads the reader through the seasons of growing up in Prince George’s County, Maryland, “reveling” in college and finding the love of her life during law school…only to risk losing him when he accepted a position in Madison, Wisconsin. What black woman in her right mind would volunteer to move there? It was too “white.” Ultimately, it was the Lord who moved Kimberly to Madison, where He saved her and utterly transformed her view of marriage, motherhood and the career she’d worked so long and hard to achieve. As she ventured beyond the familiarity of race, God changed her identity.


“All of us are children of God first and foremost, and Kim Tate’s message is such an important one for every Christian. Each of us has the deep human tendency to look for our identity in something that we think defines us – whether that be our job, our gender, our special skills, or our culture. As Kim courageously tells her story of realizing just how much more she had defined herself as a lawyer, a go-getter and a black woman than simply as a Christian, I found the Holy Spirit gently opening my eyes to ways that I too have defined myself by something other than my identity in Christ. Kim, thank you. You are a trailblazer. And although you are a Christian first and foremost, you’re also one captivating writer!”
-Shaunti Feldhahn, best-selling author of For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men 

“Kim Tate is right. The idea of having feelings about any other culture or race is certainly not Christ centered. The scriptures say that there is neither Greek nor Jew…slave nor free, nor male or female. We are all one in Christ. May this book awaken you to understand that faith in Christ (and obedience to His Commands) is more valuable than your opinion of others.”
-Dr. Thelma Wells, D.D., President – A Woman of God Ministries, Dallas, Texas –

“God loves to take a life, draw it to Himself and turn our worlds upside down because without Him we get it all wrong. It’s exciting to read how God did just that in Kimberly’s life. He transformed her as a wife, a mother and a black woman. It’s an exciting and inspiring journey and I hope each reader will be challenged by her story.”
-Barbara Rainey Family Life Ministries, Author and Speaker 

“Kimberly Cash is a prophetic voice pointing believers of every color and race to the truth that when we belong to Christ, our identity is in Him. Kim Cash teaches this lesson by weaving it into her life story. God, in his grace and providential timing brought her to the realization that as a black Christian she can and should rejoice in her blackness. But the guiding principle for every decision, every choice, including voting, is informed by this absorbing book’s title: More Christian than African American.”
-Penna Dexter Christian Radio Host