The Gentleness in God

The Gentleness in God cover
ISBN: 9781632694249

Author: Angi Johnson


Jesus describes himself as “gentle and humble.” Still, many people struggle to draw close to God because they don’t understand his gentleness. He seems distant, easy to annoy, and more judgmental than loving. It doesn’t help that many Christians who accept God’s loving gentleness do a poor job sharing it with others.

God wants his children to be secure, free, and joyous in his presence. To experience this, we must see beyond his judgment to the heart of the loving Father, who is ready to gently lead us into an ever-deepening love and enthusiasm for him.

In The Gentleness in God, Angi Johnson explains what gentleness is and what it is not. She examines God’s gentleness as it appears in the Bible—even in context of God’s judgment and the bloody Old Testament battles. Then she explores internal and external hindrances to embracing God’s gentleness in our lives.

Johnson’s approach is both biblical and personal, both challenging and kind. She writes for an audience that is wary of God’s judgment, yet she does not flinch away from his justice. Readers of all backgrounds will come away from this book with a more nuanced perspective of God’s character—and particularly his gentleness.

Author Bio

Angi Johnson became a Christian at age fourteen—despite her local church. After she received a BA in biblical studies at the University of Sheffield, she spent two years teaching the Bible in Kenya. When she returned to the UK, she gained some secretarial qualifications and went back to work at her alma mater in an administrative capacity. Once there, she ended up (almost accidentally) earning a Master of Philosophy in biblical studies. She is a lay preacher in Anglican and Baptist churches and has a wide ministry in several different locations around Sheffield. She also plays the organ, though not very well, and looks after two church gardens, but she is most passionate about preaching and teaching.

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Retail Price: $16.99