The Magic of Grace

ISBN: 978-1937756499

Author: Rick Machamer


Wandering into an old dusty bookstore, with money burning a hole in his pocket and comic books on his brain, Drew’s life takes a strange and sudden turn. When a mysterious old man in a dark overcoat performs a coin trick, Drew senses there’s something more going on than meets the eye.

Now it’s summer and boy scout camp in the Virginia mountains looks like paradise to Drew. He’s got big plans for freedom and fun—and perhaps a merit badge to make his parents happy—until camp bullies threaten to make his life miserable. But Drew discovers that he’s not alone to face his fears, as the strange magician from the bookstore reappears at just the right moment. Maybe, just maybe, there’s no such thing as coincidence after all.

Drew finds out that God doesn’t perform tricks. God does miracles.

Retail Price: $12.99