Junkyard Wisdom Rebuilt Resisting the Whisper of Wealth in a World of Broken Parts In Junkyard Wisdom, Roy Goble explored the tension between wealth and poverty, between...
The Rivers Frontier The History of the Niger Delta _ _ _ The Rivers Frontier is a historic work on the Rivers State indigenes of Nigeria’s Eastern Niger Delta....
Kingdom of God or Pagan Empire? Why Christians are on the Sidelines of a Divided Nation _ _ _ A great political divide exists today, but can we truly grasp the significance of...
Indelible Impressions A Memoir _ _ _ From prisoner of war, to academician, to husband and father, Michael Klimenko’s life was one marked by both the heights of joy...
End Times Dawning Get Ready! We are rapidly approaching a time period that the Bible refers to as “the end times.” End Times Dawning explores apocalyptic...
From #Selfie to Selfless Living the Life You Were Created For Living in a world where “selfies” are glorified, personal opinions are amplified, and society is...
Refuge Ranch: The Glory Continues Superwoman? Super mom? Or just super dependent on Jesus? At age 51, Bonnie Walker was already the mother of 21 children, 18 of whom were adopted....
Sink or Swim Life After Crash Landing in the Hudson Karin Rooney had always been a bit of a nervous flyer. In January 2009, she was at a crossroads in her...
Clear Vision How the Bible Teaches Us to View the World If the Bible is inspired of God, it must have some way to show itself trustworthy. And if the Bible is...