The Way He Loves

21 Stories of God's Healing Love to a Hurting World - - - God’s love shows up in our failures and our successes, in our triumphs and our...

Attributes of God on F.I.R.E.

Probing Fourteen Character Traits of God to Imitate - - - Understanding God and His attributes is vital to developing a relationship with Him....

From Grief to Greatness

The Art of Overcoming Adversity   How do you make the worst day of your life into the best? Tanya Unkovich is ready to share the answer in...

Sustaining Revival

There are occasions in biblical history where we see a breaking in of the spirit of God. In addition, there is a command and a promise that indicates...

Rethinking Rest

Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working Today’s concept of biblical rest… isn’t working. Our numerous discussions about “which day” and...

Who Told You That?

Seeking Truth in a World of Deception - - - Who Told You That? That was God’s question for Adam and Eve, and it is his question for us...

God’s Elect

The Chosen Generation God’s Elect offers a message of hope for all Christians who worry about whether they, or their loved ones, have been chosen...


Redeeming Our God-Given Sexuality People walk into pawn shops every day and pawn priceless heirlooms for pennies on the dollar, and Dr. Gary Foshee...