Tsalagi Freedom One Girl's Journey Beyond the Trail of Tears Forced to abandon their Georgia homeland during the harsh winter of 1938 and escorted by federal...
Journey From The Great Palace God is about to become a human. The angels wonder, why Jesus would ever want to leave the majesty of the Great Palace to be born on Earth as a baby?...
A Sacred Silence A Novel What price will Eliza be willing to pay for love, when love seems to only bring grief? Just when the twenty-four-year-old finally feels...
Trust in the Lord, Inspirational Coloring Book for Grown-Ups ORDER HERE - The more you buy, the more you save! Makes a great fundraiser for Christian organizations! Trust in the Lord is the second book...
Walk By Faith, Inspirational Coloring Book for Grown-Ups ORDER HERE - The more you buy, the more you save! Makes a great fundraiser for Christian organizations! Walk by Faith is the first book in our...
Pulled from Darkness into His Light Steve Black's unusual, God-ordained circumstance began when his tire went flat on a lonely road in the Nevada desert. He soon met Erinn, an ordinary,...
Marinating Moments Immersed in God's Rich Word Devotional time is important, but who has the moments to spare? We long to delve deep into the riches of God’s Word,...
American Evangelicals and Modern Israel A Plea for Tough Love “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Evangelical Christians are often reminded of...
Dying in Indian Country Revised Edition Elizabeth Morris Media Kit Description Dying in Indian Country is the true story of a father who, recognizing how current...