DWJD: Do What Jesus Did A line of jewelry emblazoned with the letters WWJD still rides a crest of popularity with Christians. “What Would Jesus Do?” is a great question,...
18 Inches What does it take to get truth from my head to my heart? How can I genuinely experience God’s love that casts out fear? When we seek God’s...
Growing Disciples Organically The Jesus Method of Spiritual Formation “Follow me.” These two simple words spoken by Jesus are often needlessly complicated with theological,...
Waiting for a Father Hearing the Heart-Cry of the Orphans of the World, by Gary Stephens, Carmen Radley The heart-cry of every child without parents—a cry to be...
Who Do You Say I Am? Deep River Books 2012 Writer's Contest Certificate of Merit Award Winner Award-winning author Joshua McClure confronts us with the question Jesus...
Rapture: Delayed? The rapture is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible—a dramatic prophecy that could be fulfilled at any moment, without warning. Within the...