Fingernails on the Chalkboard The public education system in America is broken. And when it comes to acknowledging the elephant in the classroom, retired educator Lanny Cook...
We Are Not the Hero “This is no ivory tower book of pontification and pronouncement; this is a field manual smeared with mud from front-line trenches. Get it. Read it....
Why It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe If It’s Not True We’ve all heard the statement (and maybe even said it ourselves), “It’s all relative.” But are moral truths relative? If that is the case,...
The Crimson Thread of the Bible Following the Ribbon of Redemption from Creation to Christ Recipient of the 2010 Deep River Books Award of Excellence Understanding the...
Moving Him In Authors Susan Milligan and Shea Wood warmly invite you to join them in discovering the same dynamic healing and freedom they’ve experienced in...
The Real Thing Is there more to life and the Christian 'walk'? Do you know deep down that something is missing- that multitudes of people who claim to be Christians...
Confident Faith Some call God the First Cause of the universe. Others, the Intelligent Designer… the God of the Bible… Jesus Christ…the God Who calms life’s...
Crushing the Devil There is an active, destructive, and intelligent enemy who will do anything to derail you from realizing your full potential and accomplishing your...
Forecasting Temptation Temptation. It's like a glass of water with just a drop of poison in it - one sip, and you could be gone. Such is the way of temptation. In...