You Will Surely Not Die A Novel _ _ _ What if Adam and Eve ate from the tree of life before they disobeyed God? What if the original sin could not condemn them to death but all of their descendants were subject to the...
StarPassage: Book Three, Honor and Mercy The Gold Medal-winning saga continues with Book Three in the StarPassage series. Teenage Mike longs to help a struggling new patient who may hold dangerous secrets. An evil Tracker has escaped to the...
StarPassage: Book Two, Heroes and Martyrs Winner of the Gold Medal in the 2017 Young Adult Fiction category of the Mom's Choice Awards. The award-winning StarPassage saga continues with the relic guiding the Carsons to a new and desperate family....
StarPassage Series (Book One) StarPassage Book One, The Relic Teenagers Tim and Martie are desperate to end their parents’ downward spiral. Between their father’s PTSD and their mother’s depression, their family has reached a...
Tsalagi Freedom One Girl's Journey Beyond the Trail of Tears Forced to abandon their Georgia homeland during the harsh winter of 1938 and escorted by federal troops, over 15,000 Cherokee set out on a grueling 1,200-mile...
Journey From The Great Palace God is about to become a human. The angels wonder, why Jesus would ever want to leave the majesty of the Great Palace to be born on Earth as a baby? What would be the purpose? Rachael, one of the smallest...
The Cavern of Promise Giants in the Land Trilogy: Book Three (YA, middle reader level, Christian fantasy fiction) Thomas and his giant companion have disappeared. At the mercy of the evil king of Westland, in great peril,...
Beyond the Fairy Tale An Appeal for Sexual Purity Parents, there’s no point hushing the topic of sex. Our pre-teens will see and hear confusing and inaccurate messages about their sexuality, through the media and among their...
Voices of Virtue Inspiring Stories of Character Stories are a fun and effective way to "put the skin on" the moral lessons we want to convey to the young people in our lives. Historically, the purpose of stories and myths...