Faith Feedings cover

Faith Feedings

12 Principles to Nurture Your Child's Spiritual Development Does your mother’s heart cry for someone to come alongside and encourage you through the journey of motherhood? Reading Faith Feedings is...

Ephesians on F.I.R.E.

Rather than telling you what the book of Ephesians teaches, Ephesians on F.I.R.E. imparts the skills to discover its life-changing message for yourself. Students of the Bible will journey through Ephesians,...
Blessings prayers and heart songs cover

Blessings, Prayers, & Heart Songs

Celebrating the People We Cherish and the Moments We Treasure A blessing is one of life's precious gifts. More than a prayer, it's a request that our heavenly Father will open the doors of heaven and shower...
Fatal Drift cover

Fatal Drift: Is the Church Losing Its Anchor?

Without proper instrumentation, it doesn’t take long to drift off course. And not since the Protestant Reformation has the Christian church been so at risk for capsizing. Postmodernism and the church’s...
Surviving the Tribulation cover

Surviving the Tribulation

Are You Equipped for the End Times? Are you wondering how the world will end and if it will happen in your lifetime? Surviving the Tribulation is for anyone who is curious about the end...

You Were Designed

This book, while rooted in science and math, reads like a cold-case mystery, slowly unfolding before your eyes. In You Were Designed: The Code is in Your Chemistry, author and radio technician Jim Sinclair...

Building Character, One Virtue at a Time

What mother doesn’t want her son to be respectful? What father doesn’t want his daughter to be chaste? While Americans might disagree about a lot of things, it seems we are united by a basic set of...

A Real Apprentice

“Jesus used stories, pictures, and a sense of fun to convey hard-hitting truths. Discover these uncovered principles in this book, and they could transform your life, as they have mine.”—BOBBY BALL,...