The Key To The Kingdom The first book in Jeff Dixon's KINGDOM series Grayson Hawkes learns how imaginative and elaborate Walt Disney World is when he accepts an invitation from a trusted friend landing him in a world he never...
Sand to Pearls Illusions of success and instant pleasure can seduce us into making poor choices. We long for fulfillment but are haggard from life’s trials and overwhelmed by what the future holds. Broken, we feel unworthy...
Maximal Reserve From the bestselling author of Wayback comes Sam Batterman’s second Christian thriller. Petroleum exploration engineer Phil Channing uncovers the single largest oil reserve in history--and he's only been...
Godly Personalities Warning! You're about to uncover your vulnerabilities! However, your spiritual strengths will also be revealed as you begin an expedition of discovery in the most vital areas of your life. Using insights from...
Watercolor Summer If Kathleen could relive any moment, it would be the one in 1969. Not because of its sweet memories, but because it changed her life forever. Just thirteen, Kathleen felt isolated and alienated by her...
What In the World Is Wrong? In times of uncertainty and turbulence, where can we find meaning and hope? With economic upheavals, terrorism threats, and increasing reports of natural calamities, the world is looking for a solution; one...
God Attainable Pastor and counselor Daniel Zimmerle has spent thirty-five years in pursuit of God. Purposing to make Him known and recognizable, God Attainable opens your eyes to a revelation of God beginning with Genesis...
The Forgotten Awakening During the Second Great Awakening (1799-1830, the years of James McGready and Charles Finney), God was drawing our nation powerfully to Jesus Christ. What few people realize is that He was working to draw...
Equipping The Warrior Woman Today’s challenges are like never before, women are attacked physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually with their health, schedules, jobs, words, actions, and relationships. Valerie Ellery is...