Tsalagi Freedom One Girl's Journey Beyond the Trail of Tears Forced to abandon their Georgia homeland during the harsh winter of 1938 and escorted by federal troops, over 15,000 Cherokee set out on a grueling 1,200-mile...
Journey From The Great Palace God is about to become a human. The angels wonder, why Jesus would ever want to leave the majesty of the Great Palace to be born on Earth as a baby? What would be the purpose? Rachael, one of the smallest...
A Sacred Silence A Novel What price will Eliza be willing to pay for love, when love seems to only bring grief? Just when the twenty-four-year-old finally feels ready to move beyond the pain of losing her mother, Eliza...
Marinating Moments Immersed in God's Rich Word Devotional time is important, but who has the moments to spare? We long to delve deep into the riches of God’s Word, but we are just so busy. But what if we could build a deep,...
Influence of a King A Novel “Horsfall’s novel reads with breathless ease~This is fiction at its heart warming best.” —Anote Ajeluorou, The Guardian, Lagos, Nigeria Titi shared her Christian historic fiction at the...
The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A. The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A. And 8 Other Modern-Day Allegories Tim Reddish Description Which stories will you recognize? In The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A., a journalist recounts his interview...
The Cavern of Promise Giants in the Land Trilogy: Book Three (YA, middle reader level, Christian fantasy fiction) Thomas and his giant companion have disappeared. At the mercy of the evil king of Westland, in great peril,...
Voices of Virtue Inspiring Stories of Character Stories are a fun and effective way to "put the skin on" the moral lessons we want to convey to the young people in our lives. Historically, the purpose of stories and myths...
Dry Bones, A Jamie Storm Novel In this fast-paced murder mystery, pastor’s wife Jamie Storm is drawn out of the safety of her kitchen and into a world of danger when a dear friend from high school is murdered. Jamie learns she has...