Unlocking the Kingdom The second book in Jeff Dixon's KINGDOM series Uncanny knowledge about Walt Disney and the worlds he created has granted Grayson Hawkes the key to the kingdom. His meteoric rise to the top of the most...
Thoughts that Fell From A Taco Shell “Matt Ouellette is a fresh voice. Honest, funny, and timely, his words bring an original and relevant perspective to today's battle for spiritual authenticity.” —Josh D. McDowell, speaker and...
Miracle On Snowbird Lake Eleven-year-old Annie smiled at her dad as she pedaled past the pearly white church gazebo—a still frame etched in his mind forever. He could not have known it would be his last glimpse of her cherub...
The Uncomfortable Church How is a Christian to view same-gender partners? And what is God’s plan for love, sex, marriage, and ordination in the 21st century? Is it possible for Bible-believing Christians and gays and lesbians to...
A Real Apprentice “Jesus used stories, pictures, and a sense of fun to convey hard-hitting truths. Discover these uncovered principles in this book, and they could transform your life, as they have mine.”—BOBBY BALL,...
Rapture: Delayed? The rapture is one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible—a dramatic prophecy that could be fulfilled at any moment, without warning. Within the evangelical church today, many teach that the rapture of the...
So…What Happens Next? It's no secret—the world is spiraling out of control. In fact, it’s hurtling toward the end times at a faster rate than many realize. From events in the Middle East to the latest Hollywood movies, fear of...
The Magic of Grace Wandering into an old dusty bookstore, with money burning a hole in his pocket and comic books on his brain, Drew’s life takes a strange and sudden turn. When a mysterious old man in a dark overcoat performs...
Who Do You Say I Am? Deep River Books 2012 Writer's Contest Certificate of Merit Award Winner Award-winning author Joshua McClure confronts us with the question Jesus posed to his disciples: “Who do you say I am?” Do we...