Contact Contact The Shaping Power of Intentional Interaction Personal interaction—contact—with those different from ourselves provides us with new...
Obedient Nations What's So Great about the Great Commission? Stephen Spaulding sees a clear line of thinking and action running from the Bible’s patriarchs and...
The SABERS Cycle Description: Christian leaders impact the business world, educational institutions, church ministries, civic organizations, government agencies...
Sacred Strands Christianity did not begin in Bethlehem. The sacred promise of a redeemer was known to ancient people. We can find it written not only in Genesis of...
FracMan Conflicted A Novel Fracking for oil is both dangerous and controversial. Cautious and talented Kelly is a successful young petroleum engineer intent on...
A Gradual Redemption A Story of Faith, Choice, and the Sovereignty of God _ _ _ Enmeshed in circumstances far beyond my capacity to handle and acutely aware that life...
One New Man Reconciling Jew & Gentile in One Body of Christ _ _ _ In One New Man, author Ariel Blumenthal unpacks the “mystery” found in the second...
The Guardians in the Storm A Novel _ _ _ Doctor Trevor and Kat Davenport moved their young family across the country where Trevor will be working at one of the top...
Kingdom Chaos A Stand-Alone Novel in Jeff Dixon’s Best Selling Kingdom Series _ _ _ Author Jeff Dixon once again combines thrilling fiction, faith, and...